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Spotlight on National Competitions
Describe your event.
Talent competition, including singing, dancing, modeling, and acting.
How many divisions are included and what are the age ranges?
There are over 75 categories, with participants ranging in age predominantly from 6 to 25 years old. iPOP! is open to 4-year-olds and up; we now accept adults for acting only.
How does someone qualify to compete in your event?
Performers must audition at an approved iPOP! Member Academy, and must have had some formal training in acting, singing, dancing, or modeling to be accepted to attend.
What are the advantages of attending iPOP!?
iPOP! is a unique training program that provides participants hours of one-on-one training with top professionals in all mediums of entertainment. iPOP! also allows for aspiring performers to meet perspective agents, managers, and casting directors. Previous iPOP! attendees have successfully landed lucrative modeling assignments and performance bookings across the country, as well as gaining representation by the biggest agencies Hollywood and New York has to offer.
Are all competitions required or are there optional events?
Qualified and approved participants can compete in any category, such as modeling, singing, acting and dancing. iPOP! performers who are passionate about their talent and are driven to acquire the experience and training needed in preparation for an agent are welcome to participate.
What can delegates expect to learn?
Students encounter the critical eyes of more than 100 of the entertainment industries’ most influential agents, managers, and casting directors, who attend the competitions and coaching sessions. A final night awards ceremony includes a Talent Showcase and Fashion Show. Performers are selected for this showcase throughout the week based on their coaching and audition sessions. To perform on a real stage in front of 3000 people is a life-altering experience.
Does your event support any particular values, social concerns, or non-profit organization?
For the last two conventions, iPOP! has supported The Soldiers’ Angels, which is a non-profit organization that provides care packages to American troops based in Iraq and over-seas. Each year, thousands of American soldiers receive loving packages of goodwill from Soldiers’ Angels volunteers from across the United States. iPOP! has generously donated booth space for Soldiers’ Angels at both New York and Los Angeles events. iPOP! participants are given a unique opportunity to help contribute to Soldiers’ Angels by buying care packages for our U.S. troops, which can include everything from food staples and toiletries to more exciting items such as popular CDs, DVDs, and candy treats.
Why do you feel competitions are important?
iPOP! is primarily a learning opportunity for young people to develop and explore their creative talents. Participants are given a chance to perform in front of influential judges, and while this is done under a competitive format, the competition itself is not high-stress. iPOP! is fundamentally about each young child discovering his or her capabilities.
Why do you enjoy being a part of the competition event industry?
The people who created iPOP! have been in the competition event industry for more than 20 years and have hand-crafted an ideal program for young people to excel in their artistic achievements. iPOP! staff members have cultivated unique relationships with the industry’s top decision makers, and twice a year introduce these influencial talent agents, casting directors, managers to tomorrow’s up-and-coming talent. iPOP! is proud to be a part of this.
[International Presentation of Performers]
established 2004
8581 Santa Monica Blvd.
Ste. 403, Los Angeles, CA 90069
Joseph Beauchamp, President
Tiffany Rochel, Vice President

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