Judges to Miss Missouri:
Shandi Finnessey gets the "thumbs-up" sign in a Hollywood-lavish live TV-reality pageant extravaganza at Miss USA 2004.
"YOU'RE HIRED!" Just what every delegate vying for her dream job of Miss USA was hoping to hear. Following NBC's special Miss USA edition of Fear Factor, promotional impresario extraordinaire Donald Trump appeared at the top of the telecast in his boardroom from "The Apprentice" hit series, where he not-so-subtly explained to Miss USA 2003 Susie Castillo that her reign would end in approximately two hours. In essence, Mr. Trump spoke his by-now famous two words — "You're fired." Meanwhile, a national viewing audience looked forward to finding out who would be "hired" as the new Miss USA, to go on to a whirlwind one-year of employment as Miss USA's reigning beauty queen. Let's talk about reality TV!
From the entertainment capital of the world, the Hollywood red carpet was literally rolled out for the staging of the 53rd winner-take-all Miss USA Pageant within the hallowed amphitheater of the Kodak Theatre. Involving the television audience from the beginning, the 51 stunning delegates commanded center stage in the opening production number, in a show that was glamorously set amidst the many well-known Los Angeles historical landmarks.
Fashionably hosted by Nancy 0'Dell and Billy Bush of Access Hollywood, the delegates excitedly reintroduced themselves during the live sequence following the taped lead-in. Not content to rest on the laurels of the spectacular opening, the telecast continued the up-tempo pace as the Top 15 were announced. Surviving the initial job application were Misses Arizona, Missouri, Texas, North Carolina, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Oregon, Georgia, New Mexico, Washington, Idaho, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. From coast-to-coast, every region of the country had a reason the cheer.
The elegant and exquisite Evening Gown competition would be the first live job interview, as each delegate hoped to add substance to her resume. In a plethora of stylistic nuances, the Top 15 delegates serenely graced the runway while offering a glimpse of the woman within. As reality TV dictated, only 10 remaining applicants would enjoy the opportunity to continue the interview process. Moving one step closer to her dream job would be Miss Georgia Caroline Medley, Miss Oklahoma Lindsay Hill, Miss Alabama Tara Darby, Miss North Carolina Ashley Puleo, Miss Idaho Kimberly Glyn Weible, Miss Florida Kristen Berset, Miss Missouri Shandi Finnessey, Miss Oregon Jennifer Murphy, Miss South Carolina Amanda Pennekamp, and Miss Tennessee Stephanie Culberson.
After a closer examination of each contestant's home video resumé, the nerves-of-steel Swimsuit competition would reveal who possessed the determination to fully embrace the healthy lifestyle that would be a cornerstone of success throughout the year. Looking fit and graceful, each delegate visually stated her case in requesting further consideration. Following the announcement of Miss Vermont Michelle Fongemie as Miss Congeniality, as voted by her sister delegates, and Miss Arkansas Jennifer Sherrill as the Photogenic winner as voted online, only five talented women would take another step toward the awaiting riches, Manhattan apartment, and title of Miss USA 2004.
In true reality-TV fashion, the remaining delegates would make a final presentation for the job, as each answered a random question as posed by either one of her remaining peers or the reigning Miss USA Susie Castillo. The pressure of competition, the stress of appearing on national television, and the finality of the moment offered one qualified aspirant the chance to seize the opportunity as her own defining moment and increase her odds of hearing the judges say, "You're hired."
In a live television reality equaled by none, Miss Tennessee Stephanie Culberson was pronounced 4th Runner-up, Miss Oklahoma Lindsay Hill 3rd Runner-up, Miss North Carolina Ashley Puleo 2nd Runner-up, and Miss South Carolina Amanda Pennekamp 1st Runner-up. Showing the competitive savvy, demeanor, and prerequisite qualifications that befit her newly won title of Miss USA, the statuesque Shandi Finnessey from Missouri began her walk to the executive suite. Mr. Trump, Miss USA 2004 Shandi Finnessey, Paula Shugart, and the entire organization completed the evening's tasks with professional aplomb, and the pageant industry's legion of fans could shout a resounding... "YOU'RE HIRED!