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Defining a once-in-lifetime opportunity...


The convention plucks two standouts from the crowd as Ms. and Mr. Barbizon, but nobody goes home a loser at this modeling and talent competition.

By Carl Dunn

THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL – Finalists at the Barbizon Modeling and Talent Competition work the runway and look forward to reaching new levels of professionalism with the help of the company’s training and competition programs.

Webster’s defines opportunity as a favorable juncture of circumstances; a good chance for advancement or progress.
Once again, the national Barbizon competition was held in conjunction with the IMTA convention in New York City. Barbizon, hosting its International Barbizon Model and Talent Competition, wowed the agents and scouts from around the globe as they competed within categories through IMTA as well as pursuing the accolades of Barbizon. The top prize? The titles of Mr. and Ms. Barbizon, and the opportunity to appear within the pages of Pageantry magazine’s annual Pageantry and PromTime fashion showcase, published online (November) and in print (February).
During and after the competition, Barbizon International President Debra Hall and Pageantry Chief Executive Officer and National Marketing Director Carl Dunn interviewed the finalists. Looking to showcase themselves as the perfect models to grace the pages of Pageantry, the finalists from top Barbizon modeling schools across the country made the case for inclusion. But, only one male and one female would be given the “opportunity.”
Additionally, Barbizon scours the convention during the week with its cameras, while compiling clips to be shown during the grand finale awards ceremony. Catching the convention’s top talent as they prepare for the rigorous competitions or relax during the anticipated downtime, the videographers produced a multi-media fantasia that certainly enlivened even the most exhausted attendee.
While most aspiring talent merely wanted to get the proverbial “foot in the door,” several Barbizon models and actors came to New York City with specific goals in mind — objectives such as those voiced by Rebecca, who wants to be in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, and Sammi, who yearns to be a country music singer, and Sidney, who desires to become a Victoria’s Secret model. Not a bad set of goals!
When we asked the finalists, “Have you ever competed in a beauty pageant?”, approximately half of the female respondents told us that they had competed. Case in point: Sydney was scheduled to appear in a pageant the week following the Barbizon and IMTA competition.
When asked, “Of all the awards, accomplishments, and accolades you have received from Barbizon and IMTA, what is your most treasured reward?”, as if with one voice, Melody, Ivy, Danny, Marisa, Alicia, Philip, and Amy said they felt they had come full circle in being chosen as finalists in the Barbizon of the Year competition — a tribute to the effectiveness of the Barbizon organization. Amy Karwoski was attending her second IMTA in pursuit of her goal. Her roommate the previous year had captured the title of Ms. Barbizon, and it was Amy’s defining goal to capture the title this year.
After all the kudos, accolades, and grand elocution had subsided, the Barbizon attendees collectively expressed the feeling that they had experienced a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As Amy Karwoski and Philip Burrow heard their names announced as Ms. Barbizon and Mr. Barbizon, respectively, they realized that, for them, Barbizon had provided the perfect definition of “opportunity.”
THREE OF BARBIZON'S BEST – The comp cards of (L-R) Mr. Barbizon NY ’04 Philip Burrow, Ms. Barbizon NY ’04 Amy Karwoski, and Ms. Barbizon LA ’04 Joanna Dickey.


For the complete behind-the-scenes story and all the details on this and other exciting competitive events from across America, as well as a wealth of advice to improve your chances of victory, be sure to order Pageantry today.

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